Rajgir was the place where Lord Buddha spent twelve long years in meditation. Literal meaning of Rajgir is ‘house of the king.' It was the capital city of Magadha Empire till the time of Lord Buddha. Only in later phase Ajatshatru established his capital at Pataliputra which was strategically located. Rajgir is located at the distance of around forty six kilometers from Bodh Gaya, another Buddhist pilgrimage.
Rajgir is equally important and relevant for Buddhists, Jainas and Hindus. Mahavira had spent some time at this spot before getting Kevalya. Mahavira, the twenty fourth tirthankar of Jain sect, had spent around fourteen long years meditating. It makes Rajgir a popular pilgrimage for Jainas too.
Rajgir was the venue for first Buddhist Council. The council was held at Saptparni caves. There was a famous monastery at Jivkamaravana and Lord Buddha often visited this monastery out of love and affection. The development and popularity of Buddhism among local population, particularly among trading class was immense and they helped Rajgir become the center of Buddhist activities. Famous surgeon and Buddhist follower Jivaka lived here and contributed towards the growth of Buddhism.
Rajgir has many tourist attractions including of Griddhakuta hill, the place which saw the conversion of Magadha king Bimbisara to Buddhism. Other places such as the Jail of Bimbisara, Gym of Jarasandha, Venuvana, Karand tank, Maniyar math, Swamabhandar cave, Pippala cave, newly constructed Viswa Shanti Stupa are some major tourist attractions at Rajgir. Rajgir houses some twenty six temples of Jain sect in its hill area and one need to be good in trekking to reach to them.
Rajgir is part of Buddhist Tourist Circuit and is linked with other Buddhist pilgrim destinations which are relevant for Buddhists across the globe. Rajgir is just ten kilometers away from Nalanda, another Buddhist pilgrim destination of great relevance. King Bimbisar donated a monastery to Lord Buddha for his residence at Rajgir called Venuvana Vihar. Remnants of that construction can be seen even today.
Ghosrawan was once the epicenter of religious activities of Buddhism. Ghosrawan had a Buddhist monastery and the seat of higher learning.
Pippala Cave
Pippala cave, located in Rajir, is a popular Buddhist pilgrim destination. It was a center of religious activities during Lord Buddha’s time. The cave is the outcome of natural process of natural forces overtime.
Lord Buddha had become so popular during his lifetime that many rulers of his time were greatly influenced by his teachings and knowledge. One such ruler was Bimbisar, the king of Magadha.
Pawapuri is located at a distance of 38 kilometers away from Rajgir. While Rajgir and Nalanda are major Buddhist pilgrim destinations, Pawapuri is a holy place for Jains.
Indasala Cave
Located in Rajgir district of Bihar Indasala cave is a major tourist attraction and a Buddhist pilgrim destination. The cave is considered sacred for the reason that Lord Buddha delivered one of his most intellectually stimulating discourses here.
Vishwa Shanti Stupa
Vishwa Shanti Stupa is a major tourist attraction at Rajgir. Rajgir is a popular pilgrim destination for Buddhists.
Rajgir Tourist Attractions
The ancient capital of Magadha, Rajgir is an important Buddhist and Jain pilgrim destination. Rajgir was the hotpot of political and religious activities in ancient India,
Rajgir Weather
Rajgir the ancient capital of Magadha kings was once the epicenter of religious and political activities.
How to reach Rajgir
Rajgir, the place where Lord Buddha spent a significant part of his life, is a popular pilgrim destination for Buddhists across the world.