
Dalmi : Situated on the northern bank of the Subarnarekha river and also known as Diapur Dalmi contains ruins of temples and some images of Shiva, Durga, Ganesha and Nandi. There were some remains of the Buddhist and Jain faith to the extreme north of the site.
Katras : About 16 kms away from Jharia, some ancient ruins have been found along with pieces of statues and cut stones lying on near by small hillocks.
Gopalpur : The village lies in Nirsa-cum-Chirkunda development block. It contains an ancient pillar said to date back to the time of Emperor Ashoka. There is also a large stone image said to be that of Ashoka himself.
Panrra : The village which also lies in Nirsa-cum -Chirkunda block, is said to have derived it's name from the Pandavas. According to local legend the pandavas spent some period of their exile in hiding at this place. The village contains an ancient temple of Lord Shiva known as 'PandaveshwarMahdeo'. The temple is believed to have been constructed by a Hindu king at a much later date.