It has been said and widely acknowledge by the most of the travelers that in tour mode food plays a vital role. It means food gives you the maximum pleasure. Here the inner meanings is travelers are very much comfortable and familiar with their favorite dishes. So, food is very much important to the visitors. As because so many visitors have their own food habits. When they are fanning in and out the country it is their natural preference to have their own food at the nearest food restaurant. Therefore destination attached food restaurant have flooded with tourist pressure.In present times, particularly in travel and tourism industry can not run even a minutes without a proper food restaurant. Food restaurant is very unique in nature. It is totally different from the classical concept of food servicing. A well designed food restaurant have so many features. Some salient
features are :-

1. It should be set up for the fulfillment of desire coming from the cross section of the continent.
2. It must have their own quick response sheaf team who will able to satisfy the customer demand.
3. The philosophy of this type of restaurant is 'be global from local'.